Many people have found that watching porn with wife together can be a great way to add something fun and exciting to their relationship. It can also be a good starting point for sex talk, giving you both a chance to get to know each other’s fantasies and sexual preferences.
However, it’s important to discuss the decision to watch porn as a couple before you make it a regular habit, as there are risks involved. For one, if you decide to share videos or photos of your encounters with other people, you could end up revealing information that can be very damaging to your marriage or personal life.
If you’re ready to watch porn with your wife, here are some things to consider:
1. Do you both have a similar level of sex comfort?
If your husband and wife have a similar level of sex confidence, then watching porn together can be a safe, intimate way to increase your sex arousal. This is especially helpful if one partner finds porn more challenging than the other, because it can help to build a shared understanding of each other’s needs and desires.
2. Do you both have a similar interest in porn?
If both partners have similar interests in porn, then it may be a good idea to try to find a website or app that offers a variety of different types of sex-related content. Some sites offer free content, while others charge a fee to watch.
Curious to see
3. Are there any specific reasons for your desire to watch porn?
There are many different reasons why you might want to watch porn. It can be to see what makes you hot, it could be a way to spice up your relationship and bring more excitement into your sex, or it might just be because you’re curious to see how your partner responds to porn.
4. Do you want to watch a video that your husband enjoys?
If your husband enjoys watching porn, then it’s a good idea to find a site or app that has a variety of scenes that appeal to both of you. You can even search for sites that allow you to choose the scenes and order them in a way that suits your taste.
Start watching porn with your wife
5. Do you want to watch porn on a laptop or phone?
If you’re going to start watching porn with your wife, it’s a good idea to start out on a laptop or phone so that you can both easily navigate the interface and look at the same scenes. This will also ensure that you can both get the most enjoyment out of the experience without it becoming too overwhelming for either of you.
6. Do you both have a good reason for wanting to watch porn?
Often couples who decide to watch porn with each other don’t have a clear reason. They’ll say things like, “Well, it’s just something we’ve never done before,” or, “We’re both looking for new ideas to spice up our sex.” These statements can leave the door wide open for arguments, which can be a huge stumbling block for couples.